Many people are coming to me confused, once they have received the much anticipated approval visa for the Non Lucrative, as there does not seem to be a lot of information on what to do once you get into Spain.
Once you arrive you have up to 30 days to apply for the huellas which is the fingerprint stage and it must be done at your local immigration centre to where you are living.
However before this you are required to obtain the empadromiento (padrón) from the town hall.
The Padron is used by the government and local authorities to keep a 'head count' on how many people live in the area.
Once you have this, you then need to make a Cita for the fingerprint appointment, taking with you the documents required and a tasa which is the Tax due for the subsequent TIE card that you will get at the end, approx €15,50, this is usually ready within 4 weeks to pick up after your initial appointment.

This TIE card is the actual proof that you are a resident in Spain, it will have the NIE number, your picture and address, so keep it safe!
As you are on the NLV you will be required to renew your visa at year 2 for 2 years and again you will need to go though this process after you have the resolution favourable for your further 2 years, and again in year 3 for another 2 years.
After the last renewal, you can apply for permanent residency the same way and this will be for 10 years after which you then have a choice to become a citizen.
¿Whats Needed?
Your Visa approval form
Tasa paid for the TIE
Ex17 Filled and signed
Medical Certificate
Acro Police report
Passport and Copy of Picture page
photo on a white background, passport size
You need an appointment called Cita previa that you get on the immigration portal, be aware they are not always readily available so sometimes it is better to get a little help as the time is only 30 days.
Once you have had the huella*fingerprints, you will then get another stamped form which is your approval and you will then need to wait for the card to be prepared before pickup, some offices require another appointment, while others allow you to just turn up and queue.
You are then good to go for 12 Months, your options are after this is to reapply for years 2&3 from 60 days before and 90 days after, no need for a visit to the consulate you can either make another appointment at the immigration or do this online via a digital certificate, same process for the 1st visa and again for years 4&5