At the Beginning everyone as good intentions of keeping a valid, up to date and accurate accounting system but life and getting busy gets in the way, let me take the strain and worry of keeping your monthly accounts up to date, I can help to issue invoices in real time, you can jot down the clients details, brief description and price and let me send them the invoice with a reminder due to your terms and conditions when overdue.
Let me Know the wages at the end of the week and i can issue a wage slip, prepare the end of year Return and submit on a weekly/fortnightly or monthly basis to the tax office as required by law to avoid hefty fines in case you forget to do them!
By keeping the accounts up to date it makes end of year submissions that much easier and cheaper if its already being done on a regular basis, it easier to keep on top of what's due, who`s is paying, how the accounts are doing and if any changes need to be made.
If you are able to keep a healthy regime up all the better!
Keep all Receipts even if you think they are not relevant they may be to me at the end of the year!
I can tailor a package to suit each individual.
I can initially help you set up your own system if you want to save money and I can just invoice to submit quarterly and yearly returns, you are in control and I cam happy to do as much or as little as is needed.
what ever you decide i will be on hand to give help and advice when and where I can.
Remember you are allowed to set Tax due against Tax Owed by working from home, there are allowable expenses!