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Updated: Jan 23, 2023

Benefits to Obtain a Digital Certificate

About Digital Certificate

A Digital Certificate is an electronic "password" that allows a person, organization to exchange data securely over the Internet using the public key infrastructure (PKI). Digital Certificate is also known as a public key certificate or identity certificate.

To obtain the digital certificate in Spain, you must go to the website of the Spanish National Mint where you will obtain a unique number that you must keep. With this number, you may access a public institution, such as the Spanish Tax Office, Town Halls, or Social Security, where you will get your digital certificate. The digital signature may be downloaded to your PC from the website where you originally requested the number, that is, the Spanish National Mint.

With this digital certificate, the Spanish Mint offers an easy way to guarantee communications between companies, citizens, institutions and public administrations.

It serves as personal online identification and it is used for a number of procedures that would otherwise require numerous phone calls or long queues in order to obtain what you need. With a digital certificate you are able to do most from the comfort of your home.

You can also obtain a similar DC from some Town halls

More and more organisations are using it and are requesting one in order to file taxes, request an updated pardons, uploads EU spouse residency with ease and accepting and reading notices from the various organisations that send then our electronically

Some of the transactions available ( tramites)

Seguridad Social ( INSS, Social Security)

Health Procedures (salud)



Hacienda( Tax Office)

Ayuntamiento (Town Hall)

Bank (in Some Cases)

You will also be able to go online for making, changing or cancelling appointments, changing address, Checking or paying fines(multas)

Taxes, Tax declaration. Road tax, Doctors appointments and various other online form

You can even download the DGT app and have your licence on your phone which is perfectly acceptable to show the policía

Once you have done the ID check, it will be sent via email then you can continue with the download of the Certificates to you computer, it can be transferred via email, sent to Gestors/solicitors if required and even your phone.

You will need to also download the program for the signing needed on some sights for any documentation that needs signing with the Autofirma.

The link for the link is below but you cannot accept any notifications or sign any forms to upload without the autofirma

Please get in touch if I can help you with this, I can generate the number and make the necessary appointment for the Identity check and send it to you in a email with instructions.

WE offer this Service!

€30 plus IVA

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